Control of regulated parking spaces in Viseu to improve the management and availability of parking in the area.
To have a more exhaustive control of the Pay-Per-Place areas while improving the availability of places in Viseu.
The inhabitants of the town of Viseu were having difficulty parking in the center of the city, which in turn generated pollution problems that were detrimental to the quality of life of its citizens.
The objective of this project was to improve the management of regulated parking spaces and encourage the use of public transport.
The project has deployed 868 sensors throughout the city to optimize the use of these plazas.

Monitoring of parking has improved by integrating the data in real time. The information from the 868 U-Spot DUO sensors is collected on a web platform, which allows for real-time monitoring of the status of the parking spots and generates automatic alerts if someone has not paid or has exceeded the paid parking time.
This improves accessibility and encourages the use of public transport. The data are sent to users in real time, and if they see that there are no free spots, they can decide to leave their car and take public transportation to get to the city center.
By guiding users to free spots, pollution has been lowered by up to 30%. Likewise, by increasing the likelihood of using public transportation, the number of cars circulating around the city center has dropped.
- Increased parking occupancy
- Improved guard productivity by avoiding vehicle-to-vehicle patrols
- Reduction of traffic caused by the search for parking
- The use of public transportation is encouraged
- Improves environmental quality