Guidance to optimize the parking of Audi employees in Ingolstadt and improve their satisfaction
To optimize the parking of Audi employees in Ingolstadt and improve their satisfaction
The Audi factory located in Ingolstadt, Germany, has a parking lot with a capacity of over 5,000 spots. Established in 1995 so that Audi AG suppliers could be closer to the plant and Audi employees and visitors could leave their vehicles near the factory, the parking area has grown nonstop until reaching 830,000 m² today.
With more than 5,000 parking spots, it was essential to implement a system that would optimize the use of the car park and lower the amount of circulation generated by searching for a parking spot.
The project sought to lower the amount of time needed to search for a parking spot by monitoring the 5,000 spots with 22 parking capacity sensors.

Urbiotica’s proposal was based on installing 22 U-Flow parking sensors to detect vehicles at the entrance and exit of each parking sector with the goal of marking the free spots in each area and guiding drivers to them.
Because it is an area with delimited entrances and exits, the guidance project was able to be implemented with just 22 sensors to monitor all 5,000 spots.
The wireless sensors count the number of vehicles that enter and leave each parking sector, and based on the total number of spots previously defined, the occupancy rate is calculated and the availability of spots is shown on digital signs located at the entrances.
In this way, drivers are guided to the zones with free spots, or to another sector if there are none.
- Better rotation and occupancy of the car park
- Reduces the circulation caused by searching for parking
- Improves workers’ and visitors’ satisfaction and experience
- Improves environmental quality