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Urban parking guidance solutions
Solution for urban parking guidance

Lower the amount of time needed to find parking and traffic congestion. Improves mobility in the zone and offers a better user experience since they don’t have to drive around to look for a parking space.

  • Lower the amount of time needed to find a parking space.

  • Park quickly, with a plan. Improves the driver experience.

  • Optimise the use of parking spaces. Increased rotation and availability.

  • Improve mobility in the zone. Satisfied citizens and users.

  • Lower the amount of traffic and associated pollution. It improves the overall wellbeing in the city.

  • Encourage the use of Park & Ride car parks.

  • Stimulate local businesses because they are easier to reach.

Custom-design your solution

Two kinds of detection: Choose the one that best meets your needs.


Single space flush, autonomous parking sensor that detects the arrival, presence and departure of vehicles in each spot. Choose the U-Spot that best fits your project depending on the best communication network: NB-IoT or LoRaWAN.


Single space detection software based on processing images captured in real time by compatible cameras using artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning technologies. It captures information spot by spot, reaching a larger number of spots with a single camera.


Detection software based on Artificial Intelligence and deep learning to count the vehicles entering and leaving a car park using cameras.

The data obtained from the detection are used to:

Inform citizens

Dynamic message signs

They show drivers the availability of spots in each parking zone

Guidance app

It guides users directly to free spots and prevents unnecessary traffic congestion caused by drivers looking for parking spots.

Manage parking

U-Admin: Device & Data Management

Manage all the devices, apps and variable sign panels associated with your parking solution

U-Admin: Control Center

Check the status of all parking spots in real time

Why does our urban parking guide solution stand out?

  • Only solution in the world that offers spot-by-spot detection and tallying systems with the same communication and software infrastructure
  • 360º solution, from detection of the variable sign panels and the guide apps
  • Robust, reliable vehicle detection equipment and technology without maintenance
  • Quick, easy integration with other third-party parking systems via modern, standard APIs.

Frequent questions

How does the urban parking guidance solution reduce search time?

La solución de guiado de parking urbano emplea sistemas de detección avanzados, como sensores de estacionamiento y procesamiento de imágenes en tiempo real, para identificar plazas de aparcamiento libres. Luego, proporciona a los conductores información en tiempo real sobre la disponibilidad de plazas, lo que agiliza la búsqueda y reduce el tiempo necesario para encontrar un lugar de estacionamiento.

How does the urban parking guidance solution help reduce traffic and pollution?

Al reducir la congestión del tráfico y la búsqueda prolongada de estacionamiento, la solución de guiado de parking urbano disminuye la necesidad de circular innecesariamente, lo que tiene un impacto positivo en la reducción de emisiones de gases contaminantes y, por ende, en la calidad del aire de la ciudad.

What vehicle detection options does the urban parking guidance solution offer?

Ofrecemos dos opciones de detección en nuestra solución de guiado de parking urbano: U-Spot, que utiliza sensores de estacionamiento plaza a plaza, y U-Spot VISIO, que se basa en el procesamiento de imágenes en tiempo real captadas por cámaras compatibles utilizando inteligencia artificial (IA) y deep learning. U-Spot garantiza una detección precisa a nivel de plaza de aparcamiento, mientras que U-Spot VISIO aprovecha tecnologías avanzadas para analizar imágenes y detectar vehículos, lo que resulta particularmente eficaz en áreas con alta densidad de vehículos y en instalaciones donde la instalación de sensores individuales sería costosa o complicada.

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