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U-Admin Analytics

U-Admin Analytics

Generate reports and display the data generated for decision-making

This section shows everything from a panel with a variety of Business Intelligence graphs to rotation tables and completed alerts. It provides revenue graphs and reports in projects where there is revenue from tickets or notice of reports.

Modular and flexible structure to view the data according to your needs

U-Admin Analytics is a tool available in the Web version of U-Admin with a multitude of possibilities and configurable for the best possible displaying of the data. The Business Intelligence section allows the types and number of graphs that are needed for the project to be configured, in order to display similar graphs with different filters or parameters.

U-Admin Analytics not only offers the data interface but also allows you to view each graph in full screen, print or download in PDF, XLS and CSV format.

Types of graphs and tables in U-Admin Analytics


  • Compare several zones or car parks according to one type of information
  • Compare several types of information for a zone or car park
  • Compare 2 time periods for information and a zone or car park
  • Project and Car Park occupancy heat map
  • Average occupancy by day of the week and time
  • Parking calendar


  • Rotation analyses
  • Completed rotations
  • Finished alerts
Why U-Admin Analytics?
The best way to see and analyse the behaviour of car park users based on different measurements and parameters. Check whether behaviour at regulated times is as expected or measures should be applied.
Main features
  • Variety of preconfigured graphs
  • List of data in table format
  • Variety of filters for further optimisation of the displayed data
  • Information downloadable in multiple formats
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