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Parking Detection Systems

State-of-the-art, robust, reliable parking detection systems to get the data needed for your smart parking project with very high data precision.

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Our Fastprk parking detection products

U-Spot: Single space IoT detection

Single space flush, autonomous parking sensor that detects the arrival, presence and departure of vehicles in any parking spot. Choose the U-Spot that best fits your project according to the best communication network: NB-IoT or LoRaWAN. For car parks with a high density of spots or dispersed spots..

U-Spot Visio: Single space detection via cameras

Single space detection system based on processing images captured in real time by compatible cameras using artificial intelligence and deep learning technologies. It captures information spot by spot and can encompass a larger number of spots with a single camera..

U-Flow VISIO: tally detection of entries and exits in car parks marked by cameras

It uses detection software based on Artificial Intelligence and deep learning to count the vehicles entering and leaving a marked car park.

Parking and sensor integration

Easily integrate availability data from your parking management systems or data on presence provided by your sensors, and vice-versa.

U-Admin: Device & Data management: Manage devices and data

Change settings, install, manage and maintain the system remotely


Detection is the foundation of Fastprk parking solutions

Guide drivers to an available parking spot. Optimize monitoring options on public roads.

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