Legal Advice

This message and the documents that, where appropriate, have attachments, are addressed exclusively to your addressee (s) and may contain privileged or confidential information. Access to this information by people other than those designated is not authorized. If you are not the indicated recipient, you are notified that the use, disclosure and / or copying without authorization is prohibited under current legislation. If you have received this message in error, please kindly inform the sender immediately and proceed to its destruction.
We inform you that the personal data contained in this document, including contact information, are protected in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) and other current legislation regarding the protection of personal data. BARCELONA SMART TECHNOLOGIES, S.L. (URBIOTICA) will treat the data with confidentiality and only to manage the relationship between us. The data will be maintained while maintaining the purpose for which they were collected. You can request at any time access to your personal data, as well as its rectification, opposition, cancellation, portability or oblivion. For this you must contact URBIOTICA by mail to c/ Guitard 43, 2º1º, 08014, Barcelona or by email to [email protected].