Innovations in urban mobility: smart parking as a mainstay to a sustainable ecosystem

As cities slowly evolve towards a more connected and sustainable future, the implemented transport solutions and the management of parking spaces as we know them must change alongside them. Smart parking emerges as a positive initiative within the urban ecosystem, improving both the efficiency of the use of parking spaces and the cities’ environmental, social and economic sustainability.

Smart parking systems are solutions that use advanced technologies in managing parking spaces in order to optimise usage and improve the user experience. By means of a combination of sensors, cameras, mobile applications and data analysis platforms, these systems are able to detect in real time whether a space is free, and guide drivers to that area.

Challenges for urban mobility

Continuous and rapid population growth coupled with the proliferation of private vehicles puts the city infrastructure under constant strain. Finding parking spaces can become significantly complicated, consuming drivers’ time, contributing to increased traffic and pollution, and creating stress.

This problem affects not only drivers, but also citizens and the local economy. Congestion increases greenhouse gas emissions, raises noise levels and reduces labour productivity due to long commuting times. What’s more, the misuse or lack of parking management leads to an overload on the city’s infrastructure in which drivers park in areas not intended for parking, such as on pavements, in green areas or in loading and unloading spaces.

How smart parking contributes to city sustainability

1. Reduced congestion and emissions

One of the most noticeable changes when smart parking systems are implemented is the significant reduction in traffic. As drivers spend less time looking for parking spaces, there are fewer vehicles on the road and therefore less CO2 or other pollutant emissions. These factors improve air quality in cities, benefit the environment and reduce drivers’ petrol costs.

2. Optimisation of urban space

Cities have limited infrastructure for urban parking, so it is important to have smart parking solutions to manage these spaces more efficiently. Optimising the use of public space allows for planning adapted to the true needs of the city and its citizens. Specific areas can be earmarked for other uses, such as green spaces, pedestrian areas and cycle paths, in order to reduce the need for new infrastructure.

3. Promotion of sustainable mobility

Smart parking can play an important role in promoting more environmentally responsible transport, such as public or active systems. Cities can have well-connected areas on the outskirts where drivers can park and continue their journey to the city centre by underground, tram, bus or bicycle, among other alternatives. Moreover, easier access can be provided to charging stations for electric vehicles.

4. Incentive for the local economy

The implementation of smart parking systems gives way to an improved user experience and is thus a potential driver for the development of the local economy. The multiple benefits of these solutions can attract more visitors by encouraging consumption in local businesses and thus boosting the city’s economy.

Success cases and real applications

Today, there are many cities around the world that have adopted smart parking systems with results that speak for themselves.

1. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain)

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria decided to solve the congestion problems it faced every summer with the visitor boom by implementing a system of autonomous magnetic sensors in more than 6,000 spaces with U-Spot NB-IoT technology. Drivers now enjoy greater accessibility to the different areas of the city by being able to locate available parking spaces in real time thanks to the information provided by the digital panels located at strategic points and the LPA-Park app.

Guiado de parking urbano

Urban parking guidance

Reduce the time spent searching for on-street parking in urban environments and the resulting congestion by guiding drivers to available parking spaces.
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2. Perugia (Italy)

The city of Perugia has a limited availability of parking spaces in its historic centre, so U-Spot DUO sensors were installed in the outlying parking areas and on the restricted exclusively resident accesses in the area. These devices monitor parking space occupancy in real time and send the data to signage panels installed at the entrance to the city centre so that drivers can make informed decisions.

3. Gliwice (Poland)

Gliwice has a complex historic centre and approximately 200,000 inhabitants, so the municipal authorities found it necessary to balance the growing vehicle traffic with the needs of pedestrians and citizens in general. A U-Spot DUO system was therefore implemented with 300 sensors in parking spaces and variable signage panels that guide drivers to available spaces.

An app was also developed that provides an easy way to pay for and top up the parking by telephone without the need to physically go to the space. Charges are adjusted according to events or peak times, improving the drivers’ experience by ensuring that they are properly informed and find no surprises.

Smart parking is key to sustainable urban mobility. Through the use of advanced technologies, these solutions improve both space management and the quality of life for citizens and visitors by reducing pollutant gas emissions, optimising urban infrastructure and promoting sustainable mobility.

With Urbiotica’s smart solutions, cities can manage their resources more efficiently by adopting initiatives that provide a more strategic view of mobility, while positioning themselves globally as examples of sustainable development.

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