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parking space IoT detection


To detect the occupancy of spaces in a parking lot using flush autonomous sensors

U-Spot sensors detect vehicles entering and leaving every parking spot in real time and offer different communication options to meet each project’s needs in either zones with high parking-spot density or more dispersed spots across the United States.

Why U-Spot?
High reliability

Cloud detection guarantees the perfect time calibration and allows the advanced filtering and noise-reduction techniques to discriminate electromagnetic interference or false events. It is not affected by weather conditions like snow, water, or dust.

More than 10 years of lifespan

Cloud detection minimizes energy consumption. The sensor’s robustness guarantees its ability to withstand loads and damage.

Easy installation and zero maintenance

Quick, simple installation without the need for settings in the field. Drill or paste, scan and you’re done! The sensor is managed remotely without the need for on-the-ground interventions.

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Some of our solutions with U-Spot

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