Home > Success stories > Fastprk > Regulated parking in Nice, France

Monitoring paid parking in Nice to lower the vehicle flow in the city center, encourage the use of alternative transportation, and thus lower pollution.

Country: France
Project of: Monitoring of urban parking
Main products: U-Spot and kiosks
The challenge

Mobility solution in Nice

The local administration in Nice was facing a critical mobility situation which was causing serious traffic management and pollution problems that were harming citizens’ quality of life.

The goal of the project we developed with our partners for the city administration of Nice was to lower the flow of vehicles in the city center and encourage the use of alternative transportation.

The solution

The project in Nice consisted of deploying 4,500 U-Spot sensors and 570 kiosks.

The project entailed the deployment of 4,500 U-Spot sensors and 570 kiosks. The sensors detect the occupancy of the parking spots accessible to 550,000 users in real time.

Our MOV’Smart solution informs citizens of the availability of parking spots and parking fees in real time, as well as alternative transportation options (public transportation, rental bikes, carshares, etc.).

The project improves users’ experiences and stimulates business via practical information on the destination zones, such as entertainment activities or commercial promotions (hotels, restaurants, tourist spots, weather, etc.).

The system makes it possible for the city administration and managers to apply dynamic parking prices according to availability, traffic, and even the pollution rates at any time. Adapting the prices enables them to influence traffic density to avoid saturation and considerably lower the pollution in the city.
Users can check all the information via the Internet, smartphones, and signs installed on the streets, making it much easier to decide where to park and the best way to get around the city.

Benefits of implementing this solution
  • Parking income rose 25%.
  • Operating costs were optimized 30%.
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