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Parking guidance for the Hospital of Martorell in order to lower the amount of time needed to find a parking spot

Country: Spain
Project of: Parking guidance
Main products: U-Flow
The challenge

To lower the amount of time citizens need to find a parking spot in order to make parking easier.

The Hospital of Martorell covers the counties of Baix Llobregat, Alt Penedès, Anoia, and Vallés Occidental, which encompass around 150,000 inhabitants.

It needed a solution to manage its public parking lot, which has a total of 203 parking spots, with the goal of making vehicle parking easier and improving citizens’ mobility and satisfaction.

The solution

The project included the installation of 2 tallying sensors to monitor all the parking spots.

U-Flow tallying sensors were installed at the entrances and exits of the parking lot to provide users and managers with real-time information via the dynamic message signs and system management tools.

The installed system notifies users of the availability of free parking spots in real time via the signs installed at the entrances, which guides users directly to them and lowers the amount of time they need to find a parking spot.

Benefits of implementing this solution
  • Higher parking rotation and occupancy
  • Reduction in the traffic caused by people searching for parking spots
  • Citizen wellbeing and satisfaction
  • Better environmental quality
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