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ParkCtrl. Parking management software


Mobile app and web platform to monitor regulated parking

ParkCtrl allows city halls, cities and companies in the United States to efficiently control compliance with the regulated parking rules via digitalization.

Comprehensive software solution for smartcontrolling of parking on public roads

ParkCTRL is the software tool used by parking managers and officers to monitor compliance with the rules for street parking. Through its online and mobile app versions, they can see any parking infractions in real time for all the use cases of Urbiotica’s smart parking solutions. By crossing the information collected by the U-Spot sensors with user interactions (payment, declaration, time limit, etc.), parking infractions are generated and saved on the platform.
ParkCTRL centralizes all the information to optimize officers’ work and therefore patrol planning. It avoids car-by-car management on systematic routes. The app includes filters, different views and processing options. The ParkCTRL app based on the sensor system goes a long way to optimizing monitoring operations.

Main features
  • Version for Android
  • Real-time alerts according to the parking policies defined by the manager
  • Filters by zone and type of parking space
  • Form to process infractions with an option to add comments
  • Notifications on locked screens
Main back-office features
  • Configuration of user accounts
  • Authorisation of mobile devices
  • Monitoring of alerts and guard activity
  • Record of past alerts and information on usage and interventions
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