The importance of sustainable mobility in cities of the future

Today, it is impossible to think about urban planning and mobility management without including sustainability strategies, not only because of the improvements in quality of life and infrastructure efficiency today, but also because of the importance of sustainable mobility in the cities of the future.

New technologies that are already developed or will emerge in the coming years will play a key role in this. Efficient management of all resources to ensure mobility that promotes the coexistence of citizens and vehicle users will only be possible with the use of tech solutions.

Why? Because sustainable mobility solutions are an essential part in improving the way we move around cities, including both public and private transport networks and private cars, with the promotion of transportation that is sustainable and less polluting than vehicles with combustion engines.

Looking ahead to the coming years and decades, what is the importance of sustainable mobility in the cities of the future and what role does technology play? All the points in this regard are related to urban traffic decongestion, infrastructure efficiency without the need to build anew, decarbonization of transportation and the reduction of CO2 and noise pollution levels.

Keys to sustainable mobility in cities of the future

We can particularly talk about three keys to sustainable mobility in the cities of the future, and next part we will focus on the specific technologies and solutions needed for sustainable Smart Cities that help fight climate change.

Promoting sustainable modes of Transportation

Sustainable modes of transportation and the technology associated with them are an important step towards living in more sustainable and healthier cities. These transportations already exist today – subway networks, suburban trains, electric bicycles and scooters, car sharing, etc. – as do the solutions that comprise them.

For this reason, the aim is to expand the use of technologies that are already easy to use and bring greater speed and efficiency to citizens’ smart route planning.

Also worth mentioning is the future importance of electric cars and solutions for monitoring parking spots reserved for electric vehicles. As we will discuss later, managing reserved parking spots is one of the most important areas where technology will be priority for sustainable mobility in the cities of the future.

Due to the approval of the end of new combustion car sales in Europe after 2035, the automotive industry, Public Administrations (PAs) and private companies will have to further encourage and facilitate the use of electric or hybrid cars, as well as create a more extensive network of chargers and faster charging times.

Multi-modal means of transportation

Multi-modal means of transportation managed from centralized digital platforms or apps are another key to the sustainable future of cities. In particular, they are the combination of different modes of transportation for efficient, economical and fast travel in citizens’ daily lives.

In other words, through easy-to-use, accessible technological solutions with real-time information analysis, citizens are offered a combination of city bus, train, subway, bicycle and shared electric scooter routes, as well as Park&Ride areas to lower the use of private cars in city centers by offering parking on the outskirts and access by other more sustainable means of transportation. In addition to being a tool to promote public transportation, multi-modal transportation management systems allow travelers to plan the fastest routes to their destinations. The joint action of public authorities, solution providers and private companies will overcome the challenge of effective coordination to support this combination.



It promotes the use of Park&Ride parking lots on the city outskirts. It encourages the use of these parking lots by offering a positive user experience.
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Intelligent optimization of managing regulated spots

Thirdly, the importance of sustainable mobility in the cities of the future also encompasses policies to manage and optimize the management of regulated parking spots so that there is greater turnover, less traffic in search of free spots and therefore higher satisfaction (public or private). In fact, this point is no less important than the previous two, as parking options in cities are becoming less and less available and have mostly been turned into reserved parking spots for special uses (persons with disabilities) or regulated parking (loading and unloading, pay-per-parking or free limited-time parking ). This is why they require good digitalized management to ensure that they are used properly, thus favoring vehicle rotation, increasing the availability of available parking spots, lowering road travel times and increasing traffic flow.

This type of management, also based on innovative technologies such as traffic lights or smart crosswalks, helps drivers use the best routes in the shortest possible time. And since an estimated 30% of traffic in cities is caused by vehicles looking for free parking spots, parking guidance systems make it possible for drivers to find parking sooner.

These solutions bring a host of environmental benefits: smart traffic infrastructures allow for shorter car trips, especially if parking can be found quickly. As a result, fewer cars are on the road, less greenhouse gas (GHG) is emitted into the atmosphere and noise and noise pollution are lowered.

In addition to limiting the stress of driving and improving urban dwellers’ quality of life, there is a further benefit: driving becomes easier and the number of traffic accidents in cities can be lowered.

Technology and sustainable mobility in cities of the future

There are varied methods for promoting sustainable mobility in cities and a range of technological solutions that make them possible. At Urbiotica, we are experts in Smart Parking for Smart Cities and we have developed products and solutions that are integrated into these future plans.

Our parking zone detection, guidance and monitoring systems ensure better traffic flow. Therefore, in view of our commitment to the goal of a society that makes the most of the power of technology, our aim is to encourage more efficient use of city infrastructures to achieve more sustainable mobility.

Sustainability and meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to achieve a carbon neutral society are not the only reasons. There are also economic aspects associated with attracting sustainable tourism, which attracts a type of visitor who is conscious of respecting and contributing to the environment they visit. This translates into economic benefits for tourist destinations:

  • Increased revenue.
  • Deseasonalization of tourism.
  • Promotion of the local economy.

These benefits make sustainable tourism not only beneficial from an environmental standpoint but also for the economic development of tourist destinations.

Together we can achieve more advanced and healthier societies, which is only possible by understanding the importance of sustainable mobility in the cities of the future and providing the most advanced solutions and technologies to achieve real sustainability for the common good.

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