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Fastprk DATA API

Fastprk DATA API

Introduce occupancy information in your system

The Fastprk data API provides a complete set of REST APIs to gather occupancy data and manage variable signage panels, or display information in a guidance app. It offers a flexible and quality guidance service across the United States.

Include the data that best suit your needs

Guidance projects: collect real-time data on the occupation of spaces, car parks or parking areas.

  • Analytics: create your own control panels with data from parking sessions on your platform.
  • Include technical information: collect technical data on project devices for more complete information and to perform preventive maintenance.
Incorporate third-party solutions in U-Admin to generate more value

U-Admin allows the integration of third parties such as:

  • sensor manufacturers
  • car parks (indoor or outdoor)


Third-party elements are thus combined with the benefits of the U-Admin platform for mutual benefit. Once injected into the system, these data are equivalent to the information that Urbiotica generates regarding business functions for both analytics and control.

Why FastPrk DATA API?
Integrate and add value to your parking project in the USA with the U-Admin guidance tools.
Main features
  • Access to business information
  • Use the U-Admin portal as a product
  • RESTful APIs
  • AMQP and Callbacks for integration by events
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