Opole, Poland, a city of approximately 130,000 inhabitants, faced traffic problems in its central area, a situation common in many other cities. The lack of parking spaces and the constant flow of vehicles caused daily congestion, making it difficult and time-consuming to find parking.
Therefore, in 2021, the city commissioned the project to ZIR Systemy and SPRINT to develop an innovative solution to improve parking management. As part of this project, 3,612 smart sensors were installed to provide real-time information on available spaces, guide drivers to free spaces and optimize the use of parking areas.

Source: opole.pl
The impact was so positive that, in 2023, 370 additional sensors were added to expand coverage in key areas. Thanks to this system, the city of Opole has managed to reduce traffic generated by the search for parking by 30%. This change not only reduces vehicle emissions, but also makes better use of available spaces, improves air quality and encourages more people to visit the city center, making the experience more convenient and efficient.
The implementation of this technology represents an important step towards the Smart City concept, where technology works for the benefit of both people and the environment. Opole residents now enjoy smoother and more sustainable urban mobility, with systems that remove barriers to travel. This achievement not only positions Opole as an example of how innovation can transform a city, but also reinforces confidence in technological solutions that make life easier and cities more welcoming.
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