Smart parking, the solution against pollution

Cities are expanding each day and this growth means that it is common to find city centers congested by traffic, with a lack of parking spots and high levels of air pollution if no measures are taken. For years now, large cities have begun to adopt a more holistic approach to urban mobility, optimizing, among other things, the use of available parking spots through smart guidance solutions that can reduce parking times and the frustration this can cause drivers.

This transition to more sustainable cities through the implementation of smart parking technologies, such as built-in pavement sensors to monitor the status of parking spots or detection software based on the processing of real-time camera images, have proven to be efficient short-term initiatives that help address both these problems and improve citizens’ quality of life.

Traffic reduction

One of the main benefits of smart guidance solutions that also help to reduce environmental pollution is the reduction of urban traffic. Thanks to the real-time information provided by these systems, drivers can quickly locate available parking spots in the area and drive directly to them. This solution helps reduce traffic congestion on the streets caused by prolonged searches and thus minimize the emission of the resulting polluting gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). Drivers can be guided via mobile applications or signage panels located at strategic points.

Recent studies show that approximately 30% of traffic in urban areas is vehicles looking for parking. The time wasted and energy consumed increases driver frustration, has a negative impact on air quality, and thus contributes to both air pollution and climate change.

Furthermore, by reducing the need for drivers to drive around looking for available parking, smart parking systems help reduce the risk of collisions and accidents due to sudden maneuvers while drivers are looking for a spot. This improves safety in urban centers, giving both drivers and pedestrians peace of mind.

Guiado de parking urbano

Urban parking guidance

Reduce the time spent searching for street parking in urban environments and the congestion that arises from it by guiding drivers to available parking spaces.
Learn more

Efficiency in the use of parking

Parking has become increasingly scarce due to population growth in large cities, and urban areas being turned into more sustainable environments. Many cities are converting parking lots into green spaces, public parks, cycle paths, and public transportation routes in response to concerns about environmental pollution and the intention to implement more environmentally responsible practices and improve residents’ quality of life.

Algorithms embedded in smart parking systems are able to optimize the use of available parking spots in urban areas, massing capacity by identifying usage patterns and mobility trends that allow for more sustainable urban planning adapted to the city’s needs.

Both drivers and administrators benefit from this solution. By understanding how parking areas are used, authorities can make informed decisions on resource allocation, such as designating loading zones or areas for people with disabilities and implementing mobility policies to improve traffic flow. They also allow for the identification of underutilized parking spots that can be made more beneficial spaces for the community.

These systems can also help to regulate and enforce the use of parking, reducing the problem of undue occupancy and increasing turnover and availability. This parking enforcement helps create more orderly and accessible urban environments for citizens.

Promotion of alternative transportation

Through the use of park-and-ride areas, smart parking systems also promote sustainable mobility in cities by encouraging access to the city center without the need to use one’s own vehicle. By using greener forms of transportation, such as public transportation or cycling, these peripheral parking areas offer a direct connection to the core of the city, thus avoiding traffic congestion on the main streets.

Smart parking systems make it easier for drivers to reach free spots quickly and easily. As well as significantly reducing the time spent looking for parking, they also provide them with a smoother travel experience.

The promotion of alternative transportation through these park-and-ride areas has a positive impact on the environment and the quality of life in the city, reducing both the environmental and noise pollution that often affect the main streets.

At Urbiotica, we know that advanced technologies such as those used in our smart parking systems can improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of large cities. Our solutions are designed to adapt to the needs of each city, promoting sustainable mobility and improving air quality in urban areas while reducing the carbon footprint of the city center.

Through its ability to reduce traffic congestion caused by prolonged searches for parking, optimize the use of available spots, and promote the use of alternative transportation to access the city center, smart parking helps reduce air pollution and contributes to turning large urban centers into cleaner and healthier environments.

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