Urban parking guidance in Sète to manage and avoid congestion on the city's main roads, especially in the tourist resorts.
Reliable traffic information to reduce congestion in the city
Sète is a French city located on the French Riviera.
Due to its curious location and geographical distribution, it is connected at several points by bridges that cross its canals and are the main access routes to the city.
The local administration was looking for a solution that would provide them with real-time information on the state of urban traffic in order to manage and avoid congestion on the main roads of the city, especially during the tourist seasons.
The objective of the project we developed for Citelum in Sète was to monitor urban traffic at strategic points in the city and implement action plans to decongest the roads through an affordable installation and maintenance.
The project involves the deployment of 30 U-Flow sensors at strategic points in the city of Sète.

Los sensores proporcionan información en tiempo real respecto a la ocupación de las vías y el volumen de vehículos, lo que permite conocer su nivel de congestión. Detectan hasta 60.000 vehículos diarios con una fiabilidad en contaje superior al 99% y en clasificación de vehículos superior al 95%.
Monitorizar el tráfico local en puntos estratégicos de la ciudad permite a Sète desarrollar estrategias de gestión del tráfico, generar alarmas antes situaciones críticas y mejorar así la movilidad de la ciudad.
Los datos captados son transformados en información valiosa que se transmitirá en tiempo real a los ciudadanos a través de aplicaciones y paneles de señalización variable para que conozcan el estado del tráfico y puedan determinar la mejor manera de llegar y moverse en la ciudad.
La instalación fue rápida, ágil y sin apenas obra civil que supone un gran ahorro con respecto a otras soluciones de monitorización del tráfico urbano. No precisa de mantenimiento gracias a la autonomía de los sensores.
- Real-time information on road occupancy, vehicle volume and its classification by vehicle type and traffic speed.
- Consistent reliability over time without the need for intrusive maintenance.
- Integration and interoperability with your existing traffic management systems.
- Economic efficiency.
Affordable installation and maintenance. - It allows more efficient definition of traffic and mobility management strategies, as well as the configuration of alarms in critical situations.
- It provides users with traffic information that improves their quality of life.
- Applications and user information panels.