U-Spot es un sensor de parking autónomo e inalámbrico que utiliza tecnología magnética para detectar en tiempo real las entradas y salidas de los vehículos en las plazas de parking así como la duración del estacionamiento. Su diseño es apto para el guiado y control del parking con diferentes casos de uso como es el caso de: PMR, Carga y Descarga, Pago por plaza, Aparcamiento gratuito por tiempo limitado, Vehículos eléctricos ,Guiado de parking ,Centros Comerciale,s Áreas de parking privados, Otros.
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Urbiotica debuts with its FASTPRK solutions in the Australian Market, hand in hand with APARC.
Urbiotica is making its debut in the Australian market with APARC, a local technology distributor and a role model in the parking sector that offers comprehensive solutions for improving mobility through smart parking management. APARC already has a wide experience in implementing parking control solutions. This cooperation opens up a new commercialization channel for Urbiotica…
Interview with Roberto García (Dinycon Sistemas)
Urbiotica had the pleasure to interview the CEO of Dinycon Sistemas. He gave us all the details about his experience deploying our parking solutions for their projects. Dinycon is an engineering company with extensive experience integrating mobility solutions for people and vehicles. Roberto, how did you get to know Urbiotica? We came to Urbiotica because…